I have score Reading 6.5 , Listening 8.5 , Writing 7 and Speaking 7 . I am Graduate and verify by WES along with 10 years of Experience. I have created profile in CIC and its showing as ineligible Please help me . I am planning to apply with my spouse and put 20000 as amount for three people. As per FSW I am scoring 77
Can you Pls share your WES ECA qualification and your age. How did you get 77 points out of 100 in Grid point. And have your wife done WES and IELTS. If you send these details I will Check details and revert you.
How much did you scored with CRS calculator - http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp?
I am B.com Pass Age 29 ielts Score R 6.5, W 7 S 7 L 8.5. with experience 8 years
Spouse age 34 MBA ielts Score R 6.5, W 6 S 7 L 7.5 . with experience 10 years
Both have degree verify from WES in June and Aug respectively
in CRS Calculator I score 364
Only IELTS can help in your case.
Minimum Required: L8, R7, W7, S7.
Good luck!
Hello, Based on your details, which you provided, You both are crossed the grid point 67points out of 10,0 to be eligible for Express entry System (73 Point and Spouse 71 Point). Since you are eligible to enter into EE pool, there maybe chance to missed to fill or wrongly entered anywhere, most chance would be financial part. Please do revoke your profile and create New profile with carefully. And your CRS score roughly 386. Good Luck