Data Science Opportunities

Hi @sumeetkukreja

No Canada recruiters contacted me and that is mainly because my LinedkIn location said Seattle and not Vancouver. Mainly US recruiters were reaching out and I would ask them if they have a remote opportunity to work from Canada or if they had a Vancouver office. The reason I did not update my location is because I was still employed to my former employer here in Seattle and I did not want them to see my updated address. I would recommend updating the location to get more visibility to recruiters and LinkedIn also has a badge for “open to work” and that would also draw some more recruiters.

In terms of my hunt process, I was merely casual about it. Mentally I was prepared to go to Vancouver and then start the serious job hunt process - apply and network every day, prepare for interviews etc. I was not really getting time to do all of that with my former employment. I probably spent 30 mins every day over maybe 2 weeks only to apply and connect with people on linkedIn from the same companies I applied to.

One of the companies had contacted me long back via email so I responded to them and got an interview with them. The second company had filled a position so they rejected me but asked me if I was interested for a senior data scientist position and I applied to that. For the third company, I could connect with a director of data science from the same company and he referred me for an interview.

Ideally it would be better if you can update your LinkedIn address to whatever city you want to move to. And if you are not sure with the city, a Canada location will help recruiters find you on their radar. Another quick tip that I learnt from forums like movnorth and canadavisa, mention that you are a Canadian PR on your resume/CV. Definitely makes it smoother for recruiters to consider you.

Hope this helps!

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