Hi everyone,
So quick summary of events. I applied in Apr ‘20, received biometrics collection letter in Jul ‘20 (have not given biometrics), got married in Aug ‘20, and received confirmation of permanent residence in October 2020 without ever having an interview or giving my biometrics.
The problem arises in the fact that I was supposed to call IRCC in August when I got married and tell them my status has changed. This completely slipped my mind because it was difficult enough trying to plan a wedding in this pandemic. Not an excuse, this was completely my bad.
Fast forward to today, I received the CoPR as of Monday and realized this entire mess up by Wednesday. I called the IRCC who told me I need to word it very carefully and explain in a web form to an officer what happened and it was an honest mistake.
Wording of this letter is important so in order to do it correctly, I got in touch with a lawyer who is drafting something up as we speak. There is withholding of information so I figured better to be safe than sorry. My lawyer thinks that the IRCC is not going to respond to our letter and give me my PR regardless. No official pardon or opening of the application again to add my wife, basically they won’t know how to handle it (they landed me in covid times and there was meant to be an interview but wasn’t) and so they won’t handle it.
I am reaching out to this forum to see if anyone has been in a similar position and what they did? What happened in the future with your wife’s application? Is there anything I can do differently or inform my lawyer of that might help my case?