Family Names : -
I have used FNU in case of first names, as my parents have empty surname field in their passports.
For the Unemployed period in personal activies.
For the below question :-
Please provide the name of the company, employer, school, or facility as appropriate
Answer – Home
Is this correct ?
Has xxxxx been refused refugee status, or an immigrant or permanent resident visa (including a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) or application to the Provincial nominee Program) or visitor or temporary resident visa, to Canada or any other country?
Has xxxxx ever been refused a visa or permit, denied entry or ordered to leave Canada or any other country ?
I have answered yes in both the cases.
On answering yes, it says provide more details.
Answer – Was denied a visitor visa B1/B2 to usa in year 2013.
Do I need to add more details here, as I don’t remember now what was the exact reason, they just gave me a slip at the embasy. I think it was 221g.
“Unemployed” and time period should be enough, or write N/A if it’s mandatory field.
Add as many details as you want with the official terms of denial: E.g.“Canceled without prejudice”, or “Denied because of additional processing” etc that applies to you.
I have answered yes for both the below questions, and the reason being the same visitor visa denial under section 214(b).
Has xxxxx been refused refugee status, or an immigrant or permanent resident visa (including a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) or application to the Provincial nominee Program) or visitor or temporary resident visa, to Canada or any other country?
Has xxxxx ever been refused a visa or permit, denied entry or ordered to leave Canada or any other country ?
Am I interpreatating the questions correct over here, found different explanations on few other blogs
I got the reference letter from my employer and am I also thinking of adding offer letter as an additional document.
Our company logo and location changed last year, because of which letter head are little different now. Should I exclude offer letter in order to avoid confusion.
Those two questions are drafted in such a way that there’s not a lot of wiggle room. If you’ve ever been denied any kind of visa in any country you should answer yes.
The logo etc. shouldn’t matter as long as the letter is on an official letterhead at the time.