Here’s another thread about exam experiences:
I would definitely agree. Most of the times the candidate makes technical and unforced errors that affect the score- these can be avoided with practice and habitual good thumb of rules.
I just started my IELTS prep… as I am serious to start applying for Express Entry.
Thank you for sharing your info.
thank you for the link, will go through it
I live in Philadelphia…
I am planning to take the IELTS too… There are only 2 centers in Philly that have the earliest date available for IELTS and that is 4/2018. This is strange, a date so far in advance. The nearest center to me that has the earliest date available(2/2018) is Pittsburgh… when I say nearest its ONLY 5 hours drive… insane… lol.
Newyork/NJ all have earliest dates available in April…
My question is… is it worth to wait till 4/2018 to get my IELTS taken in Philly? OR shall I aim for my IELTS as soon as possible? I guess I cannot submit my EE profile without IELTS score… Is having ECA a requirement for submitting EE? I dont even have my ECA yet… I have my masters degree from US and bachelors from India… shall I wait for my ECA to be complete and then go for TOEFL? or both efforts in parallel?
Lastly, is it common to have IELTS dates so far advance in future? Does people from other parts of US have the same experience while scheduling their IELTS? And I shall go for General Training IELTS and not academic IELTS?
I spoke to a friend yesterday who was also looking for an IELTS date and it seems people are giving IELTS like it’s going outta style! There are literally no dates available for months based on what she said ! I would recommend that if you’re in a hurry, just book the first available date wherever you get it, and fly there stay there and give the test.
Thanks Anshul.
@avj @anon25417004 I am in the process of registering for IELTS… what shall I put in “Add Recognising Organization Details”?
Here is a short description:
Please select any academic institutions/ government agencies / professional bodies / employers you would like your results sent to. Add your file/case number if known. If the organisation isn’t available within the list, please select ‘Others’ from the list and type in their details below. Please note that organisations you list here may access your results before you have received them by mail. Please also note that Test Report Forms will not be sent to migration or education agents.
I also attached a sample image.
nm, they have mentioned it on the page:
Don’t ask for your language test results to be sent directly to us. Send us your results with your complete application. Keep your original test in a safe place as we may ask for it later.
Why are you registering for TOEFL?
Corrected my typo I need some coffee.
For Listening section, do they provide for conversation transcript too or no?
I hope we don’t have to memorize the whole conversation.
If I remember correctly they play the relevant part and give you time to answer the relevant question, and so on.
No transcript. The audio is played for a specific set of questions. The answers are always spoken in the same order as the questions for questions that are ordered. For stuff like matching, it can be in any order.
That is what we did. We flew from SF to LA to write the exam.
Do you think so many people are looking forward to move to Canada or what could be reason for sudden influx of people towards IELTS?
so what is your score ?
wasn’t that 8 in last two years…?
i mean you can use that score for 2 years