Lowest CRS was 444 which was lower (by a bit) than the previous draw 446. This draw brings total ITA’s for the year to 21,000
Another 3500 ITAs issued in today’s draw. The cut off score has come down to 441
When and how does one typically receive an ITA if you’ve cleared the cut-off? Thanks.
within few mins to within 24 hours of draw
Check for an email and/or your CIC account for new message
@sun is your score make the cutoff? A friend got his today in about 5 hours after the announcement. I’ve heard that people sent in an email and immediately received theirs.
Yes got mine after 6 hours or so. Thanks all.
First draw for May has taken place.
Cutoff: 441
How long does it take to receive ITA??
Most likely same day. Give it 48 hours.
waiting for the message from CIC. My score is above the cutoff
Same here even I am above cutoff and waiting for invitation.
I received it around 1pm EDT.
Next draw happened today:
Number of invitations issued: 3,500
Rank required to be invited to apply: 3,500th or above
Date and time of round: May 23, 2018 at 11:20:42 UTC
CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 440
Tie-breaking rule: December 30, 2017 at 06:39:40 UTC
did you get into the pool before the draw?
Yes…submitted in afternoon…even I updated profile once in evening which took two hours to reflect. …but still waiting for ita message
edit:I just now received email saying my application was updated… seems my yesterday evening’s update got completed now and probably my application was not in the pool then if it updated now …saying so as i have not received ITA yet… and even this update email came now
@srhere , what does Tie-breaking rule refer to? Does it mean only candidates who submitted EE before this date will be picked?
no… tie breaking rule is for lowest score… for example today’s cutoff is at 440 … so tie breaker rule is for 440… so anybody who created profile before 30-DEC and has score 440, then will receive invitation but somebody with 440 but created profile after 30-DEC will not get invitation
makes sense, thank you.
Couldn’t submit because of WES, its due in 1st week of June, frustrating…