Hi All, I work in operations team of a telecommunication company.It is divided into Radio network and core network.For Radio, there are RF engineers and similarly there are core optimization engineers.
There is a confusion within two NOC codes : 2147 and 0131
My Title matches with 2147 i.e Wireless communications network engineer or telecommunication engineer but duties mentioned does not match.
If i see 0131 , my duties match with this code but the title says Telecommunication carriers managers, so it is a management occupation.
My designation in my offer letter is Engineer.
Please suggest if anyone has faced a similar problem.
2147 – Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
Computer and telecommunications hardware engineers
- Analyze user requirements, and design and develop system architecture and specifications
- Research, design, develop and integrate computer and telecommunications hardware such as microprocessors, integrated circuit boards and semiconductor lasers
- Develop and conduct design verification simulations and prototype bench tests of components
- Supervise, inspect and provide design support during the manufacturing, installation and implementation of computer and telecommunications hardware
- Establish and maintain relationships with suppliers and clients
- May lead and co-ordinate teams of engineers, technologists, technicians and drafters in the design and development of computer and telecommunications hardware.
Network system and data communication engineers
- Research, design and develop information and communication system network architecture
- Research, evaluate and integrate network system and data communication hardware and software
- Assess, document and optimize the capacity and performance of information and communication system networks
- May lead and co-ordinate teams of design professionals in the development and integration of information and communication system architecture, hardware and software.
0131 – Telecommunication carriers managers
- Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of a telecommunications establishment, department or facility
- Consult with senior managers to establish policies concerned with the development, operation and maintenance of telecommunications services
- Direct and control telecommunications traffic volume and flow within assigned areas, through subordinate supervisors and technical staff
- Analyze and evaluate telecommunications installation, operation and maintenance services and make recommendations for improvement
- Ensure compliance with telecommunications regulations and directives of government regulatory agencies
- Liaise with representatives of related or connecting companies to resolve joint telecommunications problems and ensure efficient telecommunications system operations
- Recruit personnel and oversee their training.
@Verma.Ankit ah the conundrum.You are not the first and you certainly won’t be the last. If i had a penny for everyone who got a PPR doubt their NOC i would be a millionaire. The point is do not freak out. At the same time be vary…
I would say “job duties” trump the title. So do you work at a Network Operation Center or something…
So i was a wireless test engineer (work at ISP); assessing WLAN products. So i picked 2147, but 2283 also seemed like a viable option.
If you have confidence on the job duties then by all means pick 0131, and provide a LoE( Letter of Explanations ) as to why this NOC was preferred over 2147. So this can be done at the final submission. So be as detailed as possible. Or better still ask your employer to say carrier manager.
Don’t know if this is comforting but may be like a manager does not literally mean a manager sure 0131 talks about “supervisory” experience but it uses terms like “usually”. So the “manager” in this context may be an “engineer who manages” core network functionalities…
The golden rule is if 75% of your job duties match the duties in the NOC you are in the home stretch. And it would look more suspicious if 100% matched.

Bharat C P
Thank you @BharatNT2IE for an interesting answer.
Let me give a background how the telecommunication company works.
There are network service providers like Airtel,Vodafone,JIO and there are vendors or suppliers like Ericsson,Nokia,Huawei who sell their products to these service providers.
And the network services and operations are also managed by the vendor companies.
So the person sitting in Vodafone is the manager who sees if the network is working according to the Key performance indicators and there are sets of engineers in Nokia who make changes in the network (basically manages the network) as they understand the product more.
I am that engineer.
Only the thing is if i would have been in operator company like vodafone then without any doubt 0131 is the NOC, but now i do not manage any team instead i am the person in that team who does this work.
For telecommunication, in 2147, out of the four duties mentioned that matches my profile is
Assess, document and optimize the capacity and performance of information and communication system networks
Thanks but i also worked with Vendors like Hauwei and Motorola
. Okay in Networking terms Bharti Airtel and Reliance are like the front, but both of them will have Cisco / Juniper core routers, and they all use AWS and VM Ware…
So is your capacity in development or pure networking. So in order to comply with the KPIs are you developing the code or you are assessing the code. But as far as i know the Vendors do not manage the product. It would be done by the companies
Hi hope you are doing great
Which NOC code have you selected?.
What was your role in telecom.
Hi @Verma.Ankit . I am in a similar situation. I have the same background as yours, so I want to know which NOC code did you go with?