Reflection on 'Moving to Canada' decision

I lived in the bay area for six years. Given the high cost of living there, I wasn’t surprised much here in GTA. I paid over 2700 in rent for a 2 bed apartment in CA. Now I pay about the same for a more spacious 3 bed townhouse in Oakville in a good school district. My utilities, groceries, internet are all about the same in CAD. I was able to use my past insurance history to get a good deal on the car insurance. I’m paying almost the same on my car lease. For daycare, we paid close to 2k a month in CA but it is about 1200 here. So I think it depends. From an expenses standpoint, GTA is more comparable to the bay area I would guess. Except for housing, I dont know how different it is from Chicago though.

On the bright side, I pay almost no premium for medical insurance. And I dont have to worry about a 300 grand college education for my kid.