WES - certificate of membership

What’s certificate of membership actually means?
Is it a photocopy of my BE certificate?

Thanks in advance

This is what I was asked to upload for my BE. No certificate of membership was required.

However, looking at WES’ blog (Updated: Your Indian Degree Questions Answered), it appears that certificate of membership is asked for people who have professional education. If you have this, you might have to reach out to your educational institution to request the certificate. If your degree is not among those listed below, make sure you have entered your details correctly in WES. If everything you entered looks correct then reach out to WES. Following is an excerpt from their blog:

As an Indian degree holder, it is very important to carefully read the document requirementslisted on the WES website. Depending on your level of education and which institution(s) you earned your degree from, you may need the following documents:

  • University education: Your final degree certificate (for example, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, postgraduate diploma, doctorate, etc.)
  • State boards for technical education: Final or provisional diploma certificate and statement of marks
  • State boards for general nursing and midwifery: Certificate of general nursing and midwifery, annual statement of marks from the nursing board, and academic transcript from the nursing school or training hospital
  • Professional education (Institute of Chartered Accountants, Institute of Cost and Work Accountants, Institution of Engineers, Institute of Company Secretaries): Certificate of membership and statement of marks/official transcript