Do not have reference letter from employer, Multiple NOC codes

Yes that should suffice. Have they stated full time anywhere? That would justify 40 Hours, if not no issues the pay stubs will support it. I don’t think you need to submit tax documents.

In summary this is the order I would keep the documents

  • Cover letter explaining what all is included
  • Letter office provided
  • Decline letter on pay stubs and work hours
  • Supporting pay stubs

Hope this helps.


Yes. They states full time.
This order makes sense. Thank you for clearing my question.

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Guys…Is it mandatory for the reference letter to be in the format asked by CIC when i am getting from x manager or colleague?

i mean in my reference letter current designation, date of joining, hours, role titles with period and location and their responsibilities are there…

is that sufficient . i mean it does not have salary, department, and all other details…


Yes, that should be fine.

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one ques…
If i get reference letter from 2 people…
then can i make exact copy of responsibilities in both letters?

asking because here although i am drafting both letters but in reality the person should be writing letter himself and two different people writing letters can not write exact same…

please suggest

Hi @mrandmrs quick question - I Got a letter from my employer recently on a official letter head, I dont have paystubs for this position thought. Will that be fine or letter should fine?

Thank you

Does the official letter match with CIC format displaying full time and salary also etc.?

still does not harm to give extra proofs… try to atleast one payslip… or a w2 if usa or a form 16 if india… or a bank statement showing salary credited…

Paystubs are not mandatory. Good to have but not mandatory.

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You should be good to go even without the pay stubs as they are optional.

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one ques…
If i get reference letter from 2 people…
then can i make exact copy of responsibilities in both letters?

asking because here although i am drafting both letters but in reality the person should be writing letter himself and two different people writing letters can not write exact same…

please suggest

You answered your own question.


Thank you for the information


I am a in similar situation. I am working for an IT organisation and they do not support a self initiated PR/visa processes. I have already received an ITA and have just a month left to get the documents ready.

I was told by my immigration consultancy that jobs and duties with salary and weekly hours is a must and without the same PR is very difficult. In the absence of the same, they suggested to get a self declaration affidavit (mentioning the roles/responsibilities, my weekly hours and current annual package) signed by the executive first class magistrate along with the the reference letters (again in affidavit format) from two seniors. The problem and my corresponding questions for the same are as follows:

a) As per the Indian Supreme court orders the executive first class magistrates are not supposed to sign such documents. So we got the affidavit attested by the Notary. Will that suffice?

b) I got 2 reference/recommendation letters mentioning my roles and responsibilities and the tenure of work duly signed by my current reporting manager and the delivery manager of my organisation on plain A4 sheets without any company letterhead. But as my consultancy suggested this should too be an affidavit. My managers have been helpful enough but no one would sign an affidavit in such cases. Please can some one suggest if these would work?

Please i need help with this urgently. An immediate response would be appreciated.


Try to get an email from your HR stating they cannot give reference letters for your application. You should add this email in your letter of explanation stating company refused to give the reference letter in the format you want.

Get whatever letter your HR is willing to give - with as many details as possible - and add that in the pdf for this particular job.

Add all official documents (offer letter, paystubs if you have them, maybe a tax document which shows you’re working for this company etc.)

Get letters from colleagues/supervisors with the job duties and responsibilities written that conform with your NOC code.

I’m not sure about this affidavit thing; I did it on plain paper and it worked for me. I don’t know which consultancy you’re quoting, because not a lot of ppl I know who apply for PR go through any immigration consultancy; they’re obviously trying to play it safe which is a good thing, but if you’re in crunch time you need to also use the fastest way. If you don’t get the said affidavit in time and fail to submit it it’s 100% reject/losing points for that job. With the approach I mentioned it might just work.

I don’t know if CIC has changed any rules about submitting proof for companies not willing to give letters, but the affidavit from judge etc whatever you mentioned sounds too complicated for EE application.

If you consultancy says so, try to get this affidavit (maybe from a notary?). In the meantime try to collect documents related to this job and all other documents for your application in time.

CIC is usually considerate of such cases.

Shooting in the dark here; but if you work for, say Infosys, they have a portal where you can submit requests for reference letter. They send you a draft and they’ll revise it and once it’s finalized they’ll get it signed from the manager; that’s how I got mine (very late, after I had received my PR :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:).

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Thanks Anshul.

Am working with Syntel. They denied the letter saying they do not entertain employee initiated visas. I have the affidavit but it’s attested by the notary and not the magistrate. I do have the pay slips for the last one year, form 16 and ITRs for the last 3 years, the deputation letter when they sent me to UK for a period of 6 months. This affidavit/jobs And duties reference letter on the company letterhead is the only thing which is perturbing me.

I do have the refrence letters from my seniors stating my role responsibilities as per the NOc but that is not in any affidavit format. Nobody would like to sign an affidavit.

I think I will have to go with the said docs and just keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for the help.

This affidavit/jobs And duties reference letter on the company letterhead is the only thing which is perturbing me.

Get this unofficially from managers/colleagues on plain paper. If they’re willing to notarize and/or issue an affidavit for it it do that. If not, just add plain paper reference letters.

They denied the letter saying they do not entertain employee initiated visas.

Don’t forget to include the email reply from them in letter of explanation.

Thanks Anshul. I am going to add the HR mail with the denial reason as well as the reference letters from my managers. Will try to get them attested by a notary for a formal legal authentication.

Really appreciate the help. Regards.

Hello All,
Can you please help me with my question below,

Before ITA I had put two different NOC in work experience section.
Now the employer is ready to give the reference letter only listing the current title,which is my primary NOC,and that too they are saying I can add only 5 bullet points in the responsibilities section.

1.Can I upload the same letter for the other NOC as well,since I added two different NOC,the option to upload appears for both the NOC in the work history section
2.Will just 5 responsibilities suffice for the reference letter.

Please advice.

Hi I have one experience letter in CIC format I will post that with dates along with my previous work history and from there please guide me if I really need CIC format letter for my past jobs or what

Give more details:
How many years per NOC?
Was it with same employer?

Anything over 3 years of non-Canadian experience is redundant.

They will suffice as long as they match the NOC description.