Medical tests for ITA

Yes I also went there this Tuesday (Sept 18th). He said exact same thing (he chitchats a lot :slight_smile: ).

An update: I received the email today with report results. Was quite fast considering I went on Tuesday

Thanks for the information

For folks in the bay area, thought I’ll share my experience in case it’s useful:

I and my family (wife and toddler son) went in recently for the medical exam to the Berkeley Medical Center (Dr. Tim Fitzer). You have to book the appointment about one month in advance and it costs $50 for the confirmation deposit for each person in the family. Totally, it costs $465 for adults and $200 for kids under 5. Adults do blood test, urine test and X-ray in addition to the physical whereas it’s only the physical for kids (that was a relief!). The X-ray center is located 3 miles from the medical center - and you have to wait and get the X-ray results (sealed envelope and CD) to drop it off back at the medical center.

Go in at least an hour before your appointment depending on how many in your family - there’s a lot of paperwork to do. They said, they will email all the documents in about a week’s time. I am not sure if they give the results as well or just an info sheet that confirms that all the necessary tests were completed and the results were sent to IRCC.


Yes, the kid will have only physical test, the same physician will do it.

They email both info sheet and the results. I received them today.

Gotcha. And do you know what we need to upload? Merge the info sheet and the results into a single pdf and upload it?

Info sheet has the instructions. It says that they have already sent the results to IRCC. All we need to do is upload that info sheet and mention UMI number printed on the sheet

Really appreciate this forum and folks helping others. Following this forum for a while now. Got ITA and in the process of uploading documents.
Where should we mention the UMI number ? I only see a placeholder to upload the sheet.

The e Medical info sheet will have the UMI number under the bar code at the Top right. You just have to upload the info sheet.

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Thanks Arun.

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Does being diabetic affect the application in medical tests?

If I do my medical test today (5/7/2019) and get PR (11/7/2019) .
Do I need to travel to canada before (5/6/2020) before medical test expires .

How long I can wait to travel to Canada after getting PR ?

Yes you do need to travel before medical expires.

Hi, I have high blood pressure 140/90+. Also my wife is pregnant, so she doesn’t want to do the chest xray. Please share your experience.

Blood pressure won’t be an issue. For pregnancy related info, there are already multiple queries answered in the forum. Please search for “pregnant” or “pregnancy” and go through those.