I received a message in my express-entry CIC account requesting me to pay the right to permanent residence fee (RPRF). It also says that payment of fee is required to continue the review of my application.
I was under the impression that RPRF is paid after the application is approved, not sure why CIC is requesting it to process my application further. Thoughts?
Sept 23, 2018: Application submission after ITA
Nov 27, 2018: Request to pay RPRF
Jan 31, 2019: ‘Ready for visa’ email with instructions to mail the passport received
Congratualtions. Quite a few folks with AOR closer to you have been getting PPR emails for the last couple of days. Good to see things are moving along.
Aor 2feb biometric request on 18th biometric done 20th medical not yet pass medical status is u do not need a medical exam no email from ircc no email in the hospital I confirmed they said your medical reports are ok RPRF request 11th April paid on 12th April pls suggest me
My AOR was on 23rd April 2019. On 2nd July, I received a message in my CIC account asking me to pay the RPRF which I did. I remembered reading somewhere on the CIC website that the mode of submitting the receipt is by uploading it to my online application. Sure enough, when I checked my CIC account,there was a pending request for the RPRF receipt which I uploaded and submitted. But I read on this forum that some people have submitted the receipt through email. I am now confused as to whether or not I have done the right thing. I shall be grateful if someone can clarify this. @mrandmrs@vignesh.pr
I submitted mine by uploading like you did - the system seems to have accepted it. Also, before uploading, the additional documents section was showing a pending request for this file. After uploading it, the pending request was no longer showing and other steps in my application bar appear to have been updated. So I think you should be fine.
I don’t know which country you are applying from. I applied from India and got the RPRF email from the Delhi consulate and they asked me to reply to the mail with the receipt which is what I did. The process might be different for different countries or it might have changed since I applied.
Relieved to know someone has done it the way I have. Yes, the request for uploading the document appeared and once I uploaded it, the status changed to “provided”. Other steps in my application are the same. May I know your AOR?
Thanks again for responding. Could you share a few other details? Which country have you applied from, where in the EE process are you currently?..etc?